
Misty City Morris Banner


Who we are
Misty City Morris is a women’s Cotswold-style Morris side located in Seattle, Washington, USA. The traditions we perform are Thames Valley Fieldtown and Lake Union. The Lake Union tradition was created by Misty City Morris and our erstwhile foreman, Amy Brewer.We are currently in a state of suspended animation, dancing very occasionally as members find themselves in the same vicinity. If you are trying to find a current or past Misty City dancer you can contact us at the email below.

When and where we practice

We have no practices currently scheduled.
To reconnect with Misty City dancers, try writing
Valerie.fiddle (at) gmail.com

Ogo Pogo

Misty City Morris Performance Schedule Banner

(Misty City last danced on May Day 2023, but who knows, we may rise again!) In the meantime, you may find several Misty City Morris dancers dancing with SeaWitch Morris.May Day 5:52AM “We were up, long before the day – o” – Greet the dawn with all the Seattle Morris Dance sides at Gasworks Park – listen for bells and music, watch for leaping figures…. Dancing from sunrise until approximately 7AM.


Ogo Pogo Banner

History of Ogo PogoOur Ogo Pogo was created by Terry McManus of “Puppets Please.” Terry moved to Seattle from San Diego, where she also created “Barleycorn,” the unicorn hobby used by Morton Bay Fig Morris of San Diego. Terry danced briefly with Misty City. She now lives in Kingston, WA.

Officially, Ogo Pogo lives in Lake Okanogan in British Columbia during the fall and winter and dances with Misty City during the spring and summer. Sometimes Ogo Pogo ventures forth from the lake for a special appearance at a winter performance, but for the most part, Ogo stays home during the cold months.

Picture of Ogo Pogo

Ogo with Catherine restraining

Frequently Asked Questions About Ogo Pogo

Is Ogo Pogo a boy sea dragon or a girl sea dragon?

The truth is, we don’t know. No one on the team knows how to determine the sex of a sea dragon, and Ogo isn’t telling. Linda knows how to sex a snake, Karen can sex a flea, and Elizabeth can sex a shark; among the three of us you’d think we could figure it out. Ogo seems to adopt the gender of the person riding him/her.

Valerie has suggested that Ogo Pogo may be a baby. Perhaps they are nonbinary.

What does Ogo Pogo eat?

Money. Lots of it. Especially the green kind. Ogo will eat the silver and copper kind, but those are hard on Ogo’s teeth.

OGO Pogo danced out with SeaWitch Morris on May Day 2024, and may occasionally appear at other Morris gatherings.

Picture of Ogo PogoOgo Pogo and Island Thyme’s dragon If Ogo Pogo is from a British Columbian lake, why isn’t he or she dancing with a British Columbian Morris team?

Perhaps because none of them invited him/her.

Copyright © Misty City Morris 1998. All rights reserved. Sketch of Ogo Pogo Copyright © Ashley J. Harper 1998. All rights reserved.