Lake City Contra Dance – Covid Information
HERE is our vaxxed & masked dance track record to date. All events are held at the Seattle Latvian Center, with windows & doors wide open. Except for 3 concerts in Sept & Oct 2021, all have been contra dances. Proof of vaccination & face masks were required (masks were optional at our first “test dance” on July 29, 2021). First booster shots were required (for those eligible) since Dec 30, 2021. KN95 face masks have been provided since mid-January 2022. Since 6/1/23 vaccinations have been strongly encouraged, but we are no longer checking for proof of vaccination. Face masks are still required in one line in the dance hall (see home page) All attendees each week are asked via email if they show any symptoms after the event to get tested, and to let us know the result.
Mar 13, 2025: A follow-up email was sent. NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Mar 6, 2025: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Feb 27, 2025: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Feb 20, 2025: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Feb 13, 2025: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Feb 6, 2025: One dancer reported testing positive for Covid on Monday evening, cold symptoms started that morning. Another dancer reported cold symptoms starting Monday morning, tested negative twice. NO other COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Jan 30, 2025: One dancer reported testing positive for Covid; cough started on Friday evening, sore throat & fever Saturday morning, negative Covid test on Saturday afternoon, positive test in the wee hours of Monday morning. NO other COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Jan 23, 2025: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Jan 16, 2025: NO Covid was reported. One dancer developed a sore throat and cough the morning after the dance, tested negative twice.
Jan 9, 2025: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Jan 2, 2025: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Dec 26, 2024: NO Covid was reported. One dancer reported mild sore throat and cough symptoms on Saturday, tested negative twice.
Dec 19, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Dec 12, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Dec 5, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Nov 27, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Nov 21, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Nov 14, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Nov 7, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Oct 31, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Oct 24, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Oct 17, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Oct 10, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Oct 3, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Sep 26, 2024: NO Covid was reported. One dancer (who only danced in the masked line) reported symptoms starting Friday evening; tested negative twice; they would not have caught it at the Thurs dance, but could have been contagious then. One other dancer had cold symptoms starting Monday night, and tested negative twice. They expect it was caught at one of two weekend events.
Sep 19, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Sep 12, 2024: A dancer reported testing positive on Monday evening (Sep 16). Because they had been traveling, they tested (negative) before attending the Thursday dance, and wore face masks while dancing. It is unlikely that they were contagious at the dance. Another dancer reported testing positive on Wed (Sep 18), symptoms started on Sunday night/Monday morning. They expect they caught it from weekend houseguests after the Thurs dance. NO other COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Sep 5, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Aug 29, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Aug 22, 2024: A person who was at the dance reported testing positive on Sunday, after testing negative on Saturday. They believe it was from a brief exposure mid-day on Thursday, and so were probably not contagious on Thursday night. NO other COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Aug 15, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Aug 8, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
Aug 1, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
July 25, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
July 18, 2024: NO Covid (or other illness) was reported.
July 11, 2024: One of the musicians reported testing positive on Monday , with symptoms. NO other COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
July 4, 2024: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED. However, there were evidently a number of Covid cases that developed among attendees of the Festival of American Fiddle Tunes (July 1-8 in Port Townsend), with symptoms that started during and in the days following the festival. Wearing face masks while dancing is especially recommend for dancers this week who were festival participants (as always, anyone experiencing symptoms should stay home).
June 27, 2024: One dancer (masked at the Thursday dance) reported testing positive on Monday morning, with symptoms that started on Sunday. NO other COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
June 20, 2024: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
June 13, 2024: A dancer (who had danced masked on Thursday) tested positive for Covid, with a slight sore throat starting late Thursday night. NO other COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
June 6, 2024: A dancer (who had danced masked on Thursday night) tested positive for Covid on Tuesday morning, with symptoms that started on Monday. NO other COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
May 30, 2024: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
May 23, 2024: One dancer (who masked indoors at the May 23 dance, and did NOT dance at NW Folklife) reported testing positive on Tuesday evening (symptoms started on Monday night 5/27). Another dancer (who danced unmasked on May 23 and at NW Folklife) reported testing positive on Wednesday, with symptoms that started on Monday night 5/27 or Tuesday morning 5/28. Another dancer (who danced masked on May 23 and at NW Folklife) reported testing positive Thursday morning, with symptoms that started Tuesday evening 5/28. Another dancer (who danced unmasked on May 23 and at Folklife) reported testing positive on Wednesday with mild symptoms that started Tuesday morning 5/28. Another dancer (who danced masked on May 23 and at Folklife) reported illness with fever starting Thursday evening 5/30 (and did NOT attend the 5/30 dance; so far testing negative).
May 16, 2024: One dancer (masked at the Thursday dance) reported feeling ill on Sunday, tested positive for Covid (with mild symptoms) on Tuesday. Thinks she caught it on a plane or outdoor party on Friday, or at a wedding on Saturday night. Was probably not contagious at the dance. NO other COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
May 9, 2024: One dancer (who was masked the entire time at the dance) reported symptoms starting Friday night (chills, aches, fever, headache, fatigue); tested negative on Saturday, and tested negative twice more. She probably caught a flu virus earlier in the week, but might have been unknowingly contagious at the dance. NO other COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
May 2, 2024: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Apr 25, 2024: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Apr 18, 2024: (no dance)
Apr 11, 2024: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Apr 4, 2024: A dancer (& family) came down with a virus (NOT Covid) several days after the dance. NO COVID WAS REPORTED.
Mar 28, 2024: One dancer tested positive on Monday morning. NO other COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Mar 21, 2024: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Mar 14, 2024: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Mar 7, 2024: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Feb 29, 2024: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Feb 22, 2024: One dancer started feeling cold symptoms on Sunday morning, and tested positive for Covid on Monday morning. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Feb 15, 2024: One dancer reported testing positive; woke up Friday morning with a fever and sore throat, tested negative, but tested positive on Saturday night. (The non-covid virus that was reported last week lingered; the dancer continued to test negative). NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Feb 8, 2024: One dancer had cold symptoms starting Saturday evening, expects it was caught from family members; all repeatedly tested negative. NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Feb 1, 2024: A dancer tested positive on Monday, with mild symptoms that started on Sunday night. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Jan 25, 2024: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Jan 18, 2024: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Jan 11, 2024: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Jan 4, 2024: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Dec 28, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Dec 21, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Dec 14, 2023: One dancer reported cold symptoms starting Friday night, tested negative on Sat & Sun. Another dancer had mild cold symptoms starting Sunday morning, tested negative. NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Dec 7, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Nov 30, 2023. NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Nov 22, 2023: On Sunday a dancer was reported having been sick and coughing all week and weekend; had to go to the ER Friday morning. It was some kind of respiratory virus, not Covid. NO COVID or other illness has been reported.
Nov 16, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Nov 9, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Nov 2, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Oct 26, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Oct 19, 2023: On Monday one dancer tested positive for Covid; symptoms started on Sunday (sore throat and body aches). She was exposed to an infected neighbor on Thursday just before the dance, and expects that she was not contagious at the dance. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Oct 12, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Oct 5, 2023: NO COVID WAS REPORTED (one person reported a sore throat, tested negative) .
Sept 28, 2023: One dancer tested positive for Covid on Tuesday (10/3). One person reported an ‘ordinary head cold’ (had multiple negative Covid tests). NO OTHER COVID was reported.
Sept 21, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Sept 14, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Sept 7, 2023: One dancer tested positive for Covid on Tuesday. It seems unlikely that she caught it on Thursday night, or that she was contagious then. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Aug 31, 2023: One dancer reported testing positive on Sunday morning, with light symptoms (her housemate had tested positive on Friday night; our dancer tested negative then). NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Aug 24, 2023: One dancer reported having symptoms on Saturday and tested negative, but tested positive on Sunday. Another dancer (who had flown in from overseas on Wed) had symptoms starting on Friday, and tested positive on Monday morning. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Aug 17, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Aug 10, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Aug 3, 2023: One dancer tested positive for Covid on Monday night, with symptoms starting on Sunday afternoon; he thinks he caught it at work. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
July 27, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
July 2o, 2023: NO dance
July 13, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
July 6, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
June 29, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
June 22, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
June 15, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
June 8, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
June 1, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
May 25, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
May 18, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
May 11, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
May 4, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Apr 27, 2023: NO dance
Apr 20, 2023: NO COVID WAS REPORTED. One dancer felt ill during the dance and left early; two rapid tests and a PCR test were all negative.
Apr 13, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Apr 6, 2023: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Mar 30, 2023 dance: One dancer tested positive on Tuesday (5 days after the dance); he attended a dance weekend Mar 31-Apr 2. No other Covid has been reported, so it is unlikely that he caught it or was contagious at the March 30 Lake City dance. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Mar 23, 2023 dance: One dancer started feeling “iffy” on the way home after the dance, and tested positive for Covid on Friday. As she was likely to have been unknowingly contagious at the dance, attendees were advised to use extra caution and mask up when indoors in groups or with vulnerable people for the next 5 days. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Mar 16, 2023 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Mar 9, 2023 dance: A follow-up email was sent to all attendees. One volunteer tested positive for Covid, with mild cold symptoms, on Wed Mar 15 (6 days after the dance). NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Mar 2, 2023 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Feb 23, 2023 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Feb 16, 2023 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED. One dancer reported loss of taste and limited smell 3 days after the dance; rapid and pcr tests were negative, and there were no other symptoms.
Feb 9, 2023 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Feb 2, 2023 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Jan 26, 2023 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Jan 19, 2023 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Jan 12, 2023 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Jan 5, 2023 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Dec 29, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Dec 22, 2022 dance: dance was cancelled
Dec 15, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Dec 8, 2022 dance: One dancer reported having symptoms the morning after the dance, and tested positive. As he was likely to have been unknowingly contagious at the dance, attendees were advised to use extra caution and mask up when indoors in groups or with vulnerable people for the next 5 days. Another dancer reported testing positive (with mild cold symptoms) 2 mornings after the dance; it is most likely that she caught it elsewhere. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Dec 1, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Nov 23, 2022 dance: NO COVID WAS REPORTED. 3 unrelated people reported mild cold symptoms, all tested negative.
Nov 17, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Nov 10, 2022 dance: One dancer reported testing positive on Sunday; her symptoms started on Saturday, 2 days after the dance. As she might have been unknowingly contagious at the dance, attendees were advised to use extra caution and mask up when indoors in groups or with vulnerable people for the next 5 days. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Nov 3, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Oct 27, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Oct 20, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Oct 13, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Oct 6, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Sept 29, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Sept 22, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Sept 15, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Sept 8, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Sept 1, 2022 dance: One dancer developed a fever overnight and tested positive the morning after the dance. As she was unknowingly contagious at the dance, attendees were advised to use extra caution and mask up when indoors in groups or with vulnerable people for the next 5 days. Another dancer reported a positive pcr test with no symptoms 5 days after the dance, followed by negative rapid tests. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Aug 25, 2022 dance: One dancer tested positive 6 days after the dance, and probably caught it a weekend event. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Aug 18, 2022 dance: One dancer tested positive (with mild symptoms) on Monday. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Aug 11, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Aug 4, 2022 dance: One dancer tested positive (with mild symptoms) on Sunday morning after the dance. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
July 28, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
July 21, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
July 14, 2022 dance: One dancer had a positive PCR test on Monday afternoon, without symptoms (thought to be a false negative, as it was followed by a negative PCR and negative antigen tests). NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
July 7, 2022 dance: One dancer tested positive (on Monday morning after the dance). NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
June 30, 2022 dance: One dancer reported testing positive the morning after the dance. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
June 23, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
June 16, 2022 dance: One dancer reported testing positive a few days after the dance. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
June 9, 2022 dance: One dancer reported symptoms that appeared on Monday; she tested positive on Tuesday. She had been in several crowded/unmasked environments right after the dance (and on the following 2 days). NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
June 2, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED. (We have only heard of 3 contra dancers who tested positive during or right after the NW Folklife Festival; all were from out-of-town, and they had not attended the May 26 pre-Folklife dance. Their Seattle hosts continued to test negative.)
May 26, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
May 19, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
May 12, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
May 5, 2022 dance: Once dancer reported testing positive (without symptoms) on Monday (4 days after the dance). He had spent a lot of time the day after the dance with several friends who ended up testing positive (with symptoms); he thinks he caught it there. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Apr 28, 2022 dance: One dancer reported a sore throat/sinus pain/runny nose/cough that started 1 day after the dance; tested negative twice. Another dancer felt poorly 6 days after the dance, tested negative that day, then positive the next day; would not have been contagious at the dance on Apr 28, and did NOT attend on May 5. NO OTHER COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Apr 21, 2022 dance: NO COVID WAS REPORTED (one runny nose & pinkeye 3 days after the dance, tested negative; did not attend on Apr 28).
Apr 14, 2022 dance: NO COVID WAS REPORTED (one sore throat, tested negative).
Apr 7, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Mar 31, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Mar 24, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Mar 17, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Mar 10, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Mar 3, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Feb 24, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Feb 17, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Feb 10, 2022 dance: One dancer reported testing positive on Feb 11; he began to feel a sore throat & cough as he was driving home from the dance. He could not have contracted the virus at the dance, but would have unknowingly been contagious. NO ONE else reported testing positive; many dancers without symptoms and one with mild cold symptoms were tested – all negative.
Feb 3, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Jan 27, 2022 dance: One dancer tested positive on Wednesday (Feb 2), with mild symptoms. She began to feel achy on Sunday, in the following days had some fatigue and occasional mild cough when reclining. No one else who was at the dance that Thursday reported symptoms or a positive test.
Jan 20, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Jan 13, 2022 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Dec 30, 2021 dance: Two dancers who had attended the Dec 30 contra dance reported having symptoms; one of them tested positive. One of them had cold symptoms 4 days after the dance and tested negative; the other had symptoms (ache, runny nose, slight fever) 5 days after the dance and tested positive (both were from out-of-state). The person who hosted them did not have symptoms, and tested negative. Another dancer reported having a sore throat and tested negative; others who were tested were negative. It is unlikely that anyone was contagious at the dance.
Dec 16, 2021 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Dec 9, 2021 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) linked to the dance was reported. One dancer began showing symptoms on Dec 16 (a week after attending the Dec 9 dance); she did not attend the Dec 16 dance, and tested positive on Dec 17. Her symptoms were mild: sore throat, sneezing, and slight headache, and only lasted a few days. No one else reported symptoms. It is unlikely that she had contracted Covid at the Dec 9 dance, or was contagious on that date.
Dec 2, 2021 dance: NO COVID WAS REPORTED- two dancers had cold symptoms 5 days later, and both tested negative.
Nov 24, 2021 dance: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Nov 18, 2021 dance: NO COVID WAS REPORTED – one dancer had a sore throat, and another had a sinus headache (days after the dance), both tested negative.
Nov 11, 2021 dance: NO COVID WAS REPORTED – one dancer had cold symptoms 4 days later, and tested negative.
Nov 4, 2021 DANCE: NO COVID WAS REPORTED – one dancer had a mild sore throat 3 days later, and tested negative.
Oct 28, 2021 CONCERT: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Oct 21, 2021 DANCE: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Oct 14, 2021 CONCERT: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
Oct 7, 2021 DANCE: NO COVID WAS REPORTED – one dancer had cold symptoms the next day, and tested negative; another had cold symptoms on Oct 13; also tested negative. One musician had cold symptoms and tested negative.
Sept 23, 2021 CONCERT: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
July 29, 2021 “TEST” DANCE: NO COVID (or other illness) WAS REPORTED.
In Seattle the rate of vaccinations is very high (see – look at that map by zip codes). The high rate of fully-vaccinated people reduces the likelihood of encountering anyone carrying a high viral load, and well-fitting face masks are still considered to be very effective in limiting infection and transmission. Breakthrough cases in vaccinated individuals who are not immunocompromised continue to be less severe.
Info about Covid outcomes by vaccination status has been added to the Seattle & King County Public Health’s Data Dashboard: These stats were updated as of May 11, 2023. The Relative Risk trend info shows:
For fully-vaccinated & boosted people over the past 30 days:
There were 2.7 new positive cases per 100,000 residents per day (vaccinated but not boosted 1.6 new cases, and NOT FULLY vaccinated 7.5 new cases per 100,000 residents per day).
There was 0.26 new hospitalizations per 100,000 residents per day (vaccinated but not boosted .19 new hospitalizations, and NOT FULLY vaccinated 1.56 new hospitalizations per 100,000 residents per day).
There were 0.01 new deaths per 100,000 residents per day (vaccinated but not boosted 0.03 new deaths, and NOT FULLY vaccinated .12 new deaths per 100,000 residents per day).
The site states that people who are NOT fully vaccinated are 2.7x more likely to test positive than boosted individuals, 6x more likely to be hospitalized, and 8x more likely to die of Covid-related illness. This shows the overwhelming effectiveness of the vaccines + boosters in protecting against severe illness (requiring hospitalization) and death.